Did Barnsley Vote For Brexit?

So, you’re curious about whether or not Barnsley voted for Brexit, huh? Well, buckle up because we’re about to find out. In this article, we’ll explore the voting patterns in the town of Barnsley and shed some light on whether it stood firmly in the Leave or Remain camp during the historic EU referendum. Get ready for a deep dive into the political landscape of Barnsley, because the answer to this burning question is just around the corner.

Did Barnsley Vote For Brexit?

Background Information

Brexit Referendum

The Brexit referendum, held on June 23, 2016, was a momentous event in British political history. It allowed the population to decide whether the United Kingdom should leave the European Union or remain as a member state. The outcome of the referendum had far-reaching implications for the country’s economy, sovereignty, and relations with the rest of Europe.

Barnsley Overview

Located in South Yorkshire, Barnsley is a town known for its rich industrial heritage and strong sense of community. Like many other post-industrial towns in the UK, Barnsley has faced various economic challenges in recent years. The Brexit referendum provided an opportunity for its residents to voice their opinions on issues such as immigration, national identity, and the role of the EU in shaping local and national policies.

Voting Results

Overall Results

The overall results of the Brexit referendum showed that 51.9% of UK voters opted to leave the EU, while 48.1% voted to remain. This narrow margin of victory highlighted the deep divisions within the country and the significant impact the outcome would have on various aspects of British society.

Barnsley’s Vote

In Barnsley, the vote leaned heavily towards leaving the EU, with 67.8% of the town’s population voting in favor of Brexit. This result was in line with the trend observed in other post-industrial areas across the country, where concerns about the loss of jobs, immigration, and the perceived influence of Brussels resonated strongly with local residents.

Did Barnsley Vote For Brexit?

Factors Affecting the Vote


Barnsley’s demographics played a significant role in shaping the voting patterns in the Brexit referendum. The town has a higher percentage of older residents, many of whom have experienced the decline of traditional industries, such as coal mining, first-hand. These individuals may have felt disillusioned with the EU and its impact on their livelihoods, leading them to vote for Brexit.

Economic Factors

The economic factors in Barnsley also contributed to the pro-Brexit sentiment among its residents. The town has faced numerous challenges in recent decades, including job losses, industrial decline, and a struggling local economy. For many, leaving the EU represented an opportunity to regain control over trade policies, secure better job prospects, and revitalize the town’s economy.


Immigration was another key factor influencing the vote in Barnsley. While the town has a relatively low immigrant population compared to other areas in the UK, there was a perception among some residents that EU membership was facilitating uncontrolled immigration. Concerns about job competition, pressure on public services, and cultural changes fueled support for Brexit among those who felt that leaving the EU would enable tighter control over immigration.

Political Climate

The political climate in Barnsley at the time of the referendum also played a role in shaping the voting patterns. The town has traditionally been a stronghold for the Labour Party, and the party’s leadership was divided on the issue of Brexit. This ambiguity within the party may have contributed to confusion and uncertainty among voters, with some ultimately choosing to support Brexit as a means of expressing frustration with the political establishment.

Did Barnsley Vote For Brexit?

Views and Opinions

Pro-Brexit Stance

Proponents of Brexit in Barnsley expressed a range of views and opinions. Many believed that leaving the EU would allow the UK to regain control over its laws, borders, and trade agreements. They argued that EU membership limited the country’s sovereignty and hindered its ability to make independent decisions. Supporters of Brexit also highlighted the potential economic benefits of being able to negotiate trade deals with countries outside of the EU, thereby expanding opportunities for businesses in Barnsley and the wider UK.

Anti-Brexit Stance

Those who opposed Brexit in Barnsley had their own set of views and opinions. They believed that leaving the EU would have negative consequences for the town’s economy, as it relied on EU funding and trade. Opponents of Brexit also emphasized the importance of international cooperation and the benefits of remaining part of a larger economic and political union. They argued that leaving the EU would result in job losses, a decline in living standards, and a loss of influence on the global stage.

Public Perception

Public perception of the Brexit vote in Barnsley was often shaped by individual circumstances, personal values, and differing levels of trust in political institutions. Some regarded the vote as an opportunity for change and a chance to regain control over decision-making, while others saw it as a risky and unnecessary step that could lead to economic and political instability. Overall, the public perception of the Brexit vote in Barnsley reflected the wider divisions within the country, with strong opinions on both sides.

Did Barnsley Vote For Brexit?


Reasons for Voting Brexit

The reasons for voting Brexit in Barnsley were multifaceted. Concerns over the loss of jobs and economic decline, fueled by the town’s industrial history, played a significant role. The desire for greater control over immigration also resonated strongly with a segment of the population who believed that leaving the EU would give the UK the ability to set its own immigration policies. Additionally, the political climate and frustration with the perceived establishment played a role in shaping the pro-Brexit sentiment in Barnsley.

Effect on Barnsley

The vote for Brexit had immediate and tangible effects on Barnsley. The town, like many others, experienced a period of uncertainty following the referendum, with businesses and investors uncertain about the future economic landscape. The depreciation of the British pound also impacted the cost of imports, which affected consumers and industries in Barnsley. Some businesses faced challenges in terms of access to EU markets and EU-UK trade relations.

Long-term Implications

The long-term implications of the Brexit vote for Barnsley and the wider UK are still unfolding. While the UK officially left the EU on January 31, 2020, the country is currently in a transition period, during which it continues to follow EU rules. The nature of the future relationship between the UK and the EU, including trade agreements, will have significant implications for Barnsley’s economy and its ability to attract investment. The vote for Brexit has also raised questions about the future of devolution and regional disparities within the UK.

Did Barnsley Vote For Brexit?


Impact of Barnsley’s Vote

Barnsley’s vote for Brexit had a significant impact on the broader outcome of the referendum. The town, along with other post-industrial areas, played a crucial role in tipping the scales towards leaving the EU. The concerns and priorities voiced by Barnsley residents, such as economic decline, immigration, and control over decision-making, resonated strongly across the region. The vote reflected a sense of frustration with the status quo and a desire for change.

Future of Brexit

The future of Brexit remains uncertain, and the implications for Barnsley and the wider UK are yet to be fully realized. Negotiations between the UK and the EU on various aspects, including trade, will shape the future trajectory of the country and its relationship with Europe. Barnsley, like many other towns and cities, will continue to navigate the post-Brexit landscape, adapting to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The impact of the Brexit vote will continue to shape the town’s economy, politics, and identity for years to come.